Jude Pereira
Principal Architect
e-mail [email protected]
web judepereira.com
Principal Architect
dec '19
As a part of the CleverTap Labs team, I've helped the company improve its end user experience by re-architecting its data storage platform, TesseractDB™. Amongst other things:
  • Designed and implemented Network Columnar Format - a high performant storage protocol optimised for cloud object storage
  • Improved TesseractDB™'s performance & scalability over the years
  • Contributed to improving developer productivity and the engineering culture
Platform Architect
aug '18 to
nov '19
After joining Storyscript as a part of the founding team, I've contributed heavily towards the platform, the user-facing developer tools, and the company strategy. Some of the major highlights are:
  • Played a key role in forming the architecture of the entire cloud offering
  • Mentored and led the engineering team to build various fronts of the product
  • Helped build the initial specification of the Open Microservice Specification
  • Transitioned the cloud runtime from Docker to Kubernetes
  • Contributed to the Storyscript Cloud Runtime, which is the interpreter for Storyscript (the language)
  • Helped shape contributions from the open source community via open discussions on GitHub/Slack, code reviews, and delivering technical talks at conferences
Lead Engineer - Platform and Mobile
may '14 to
jul '18
As a part of the founding team at CleverTap, I've contributed right across the board, with a few major highlights below:
  • Contributed to scaling the data ingestion throughput to the tune of 12 million incoming requests/minute
  • Contributed to scaling the message delivery subsystem to deliver more than 1 million messages/minute
  • Laid the foundation for the high-throughput, and high-performing message delivery subsystem
  • Orchestrated the design and development of several core platform features
  • Authored the CleverTap Android and iOS SDKs from scratch
  • Re-wrote the protocols for data storage; added compression and flexibility to our in-house database
  • Wrote a HTTP/2 Java connector for Apple's Push Notification service, and open sourced it
apr '16 to mar '18 Created a social app like Tinder which matches people based on their music preferences.
Soon after launch (Christmas '16 on both, Play Store and App Store), LetsTuneup was accepted into FbStart, Facebook's Developer Programme under the Bootstrap track. As the sole developer of this app, I was responsible for everything right from conceptualising it, to the user experience and ultimately, it's user interface.

It crossed 5K users mid '17 :)
Stratus Photo Solutions
Java, Linux, and Android Consultant
jan '13 to dec '13 Developed a licensing platform for the company's fleet of Android apps. This platform was developed using Java EE, and features a robust API for communicating with the Android apps. Additionally, the billing unit was integrated with PayPal's payment gateway.

Developed several intuitive Android apps for image processing, such as PhotoMark, PhotoMark Stage, PhotoMark Creator, and FonBooth. These apps would then communicate to a centralised, local Linux cloud setup powered by a D3 plug computer.
Network 18
Infrastructure and Java Web developer
aug '11 to jan '13 During my internship, I was a part of the team that developed the in-house advertisement platform, and helped migrate their infrastructure to be provisioned by Puppet. I also helped the launch of production VMs into Xen Cloud Platform.
Publications and Patents
patent Method and system for performing unification of data of users across multiple communication devices in a sharded environment, US-11782893-B2