Lessons learnt from ESP NOW

For those of you who aren’t aware of ESP NOW, it’s a communication protocol developed by Espressif for their ESP modules.

What began as a simple “hook up my plant lights to HomeKit”, turned into a massive home grown firmware, but more about that in another post.

I’ve successfully setup a bunch of ESP 8266 modules to talk to one “hub” ESP 8266 module, which then talks to my WiFi network and exposes everything as HomeKit accessories.

While doing so, I learnt:

  • It’s not possible to go back to light sleep with GPIO interrupt enabled after sending a payload via ESP NOW.
  • ESP NOW really really likes WiFi channel 1. On the transmitter side, setting the channel via esp_now_add_peer() doesn’t seem to be a reliable way of having it transmit on the desired channel. u/cperiod on Reddit confirmed this. His/her solution was to spawn an AP temporarily to switch the channel: https://www.reddit.com/r/esp8266/comments/lj953m/poor_esp_now_range_if_no_line_of_sight/gnemjps/
  • Since the channel needs to be fixed, ensure that your hone WiFi network doesn’t jump. I configured my router to keep to channel 6 (the best for apartment) always.
  • ESP NOW payloads are usually delivered at their first attempt, but it doesn’t hurt to add an automatic retry feature in your firmware. For me, my low power motion sensors attempt up to ten times.
  • It’s incredibly efficient when it comes to range. Payloads were delivered across two walls in my apartment. No additional antenna was used, just the standard one on the Wemos D1 Mini. Somebody on Reddit claimed four walls in their apartment :)

That’s it! I’ll write a post about the entire setup + my home built plug and play firmware later.
