Author: Jude Pereira

  • The Unofficial Gentoo Linux x86 uClibC stage3s’

    Update: The catalyst spec files are available here: Following this Gentoo bug: We have official experimental uClibC for x86 and amd64 stages. I will not be maintaining these unofficial ones any longer. The link to the official archives is: and The uclibc experimental stages on the gentoo mirrors are all outdated(they…

  • Use Ruby to Generate your Shadow Password

    I was initially stumbled on creating the shadow compatible SHA-512 hash. After a little research, the answer was obvious: require ‘digest/sha2’ password = “pass@123” salt = rand(36**8).to_s(36) shadow_hash = password.crypt(“$6$” + salt) And you now have a password hash which you can directly use in /etc/shadow

  • The Puppet Cyclic Dependency Nightmare

    Want to see the wildest cyclic dependency graph ever? Well, here it is: After this was fixed finally, after a lot of frustration, the result was majestic:

  • Hacking your GoFlex Home, #3 Ideas

    Well, first off the ability to just add one USB device is a little boring, I’ve been using a Belkin 4 port USB HUB, and the results are good. For cooling the GoFlex, you may want to remove the bottom cover and keep it on a laptop cooling fan or something similar, as the processor…

  • Hacking your GoFlex Home, #2 UART Serial Console

    Serial console? That’s beautiful when it comes to debugging. The following images are specific to the Seagate GoFlex Home, however, you may be able to figure out the connections for other Marvell SoCs. On the board: Notice that according to the picture, the bottom right last three pins are used. The junction: I’ve used extra…

  • Hacking your GoFlex Home, #1 Build your KERNEL

    It’s been quite sometime that I’ve got my GoFlex Home now, and it’s only recently that I’ve received my RS232 Serial USB UART Adapter. The pin connections are simple and easy, I’ll post that as well. As I’ve already got Gentoo Linux running on the Marvell SoC, I was still using the Archlinux ARM kernel,…

  • recursive get from an FTP server

    As we all know, downloading a directory from an FTP server over FTP over the command line is not possible. Some, have found mget to be the holy grail, I certainly do not. I was restoring my music backup from my NAS, and I didn’t want to do it the GUI way, so CLI is…

  • Evidently, SEED is just a kid in the corporate world

    Despite several efforts to contact SEED Infotech regarding their mishap for the past two days, they do not respond. E-mails, twitter updates, facebook posts being deleted from their end, says everything: SEED Infotech is lazy. They cannot afford to sponsor an event such as this one. What’s more, today’s challenge makes no sense whatsoever! SEED…

  • SEED hits the pit again #iknowvention

    SEED continues to make mistakes. So is today’s challenge: #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf(“%d”,4[“seed”]); return 0; } The answer for the above is 0, as the fourth element in the array “seed” does not exist. This is because of the index value, which starts from 0. Had it been 3, then it…

  • SEED makes Blunder! #iknowvention

    Alright, so I’m taking part in this SEED Infotech C programming contest, and here’s one of yesterday’s challenges: main() { if(printf(“C for yourself how it works \n”); main(); } One of the options were a) C for yourself how it works infinate times Now isn’t that catchy? Look at it clearly, there’s one pair of…

  • Import your Nokia S40 Contacts to Google or the like

    Nokia S40 phones’ can’t sync with Google or any other good online web services. So if you wanted to export your contacts from your phone and import them into your GMail contacts/other contact management, how would you accomplish this? It’s a little complicated, but easy once you do it for the first time. From your…

  • Resetting a User’s Home Permissions

    Recently I managed to mess up my home permissions, to the extent that I owned the files, but couldn’t read them. Fixing an entire user’s home directory permissions is simple and easy. # chown user:user -R /home/user/ # chmod -R u+rwX /home/user/ Done.

  • liferea and gmail

    I bet that mail client of yours just lies there doing nothing, when its sole purpose is to inform you the minute you get a new e-mail. Well, that client just takes up more memory, to just do that, doesn’t it? What if you could just check new mail via an RSS feed? liferea to…

  • comparison sheet | plug computers

    A lot of these plug computers are in the market. Which one is right for you? Here’s a comparison sheet to help you decide which one should you be looking for: Plug Computer Processor Memory JTAG WiFi Network USB SATA Price Ionics Cumulus KW 1.2Ghz 512MB NAND, 512MB DDR2 Yes Yes 1 Ethernet 1 2…

  • rsyslog: readable time stamps

    As of the recent change in time stamps in rsyslog, you have the following time stamp in your logs: 2011-06-05T00:21:46.693033+05:08 Now isn’t that hard and complicated? Seriously, who wants a high precision time stamp? Here’s how you quickly change it to a much more readable and simpler one. Add the following code to the beginning…